Location: on the back of the head, in the depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius
Actions: protects the body from exterior pathology (“wind invasions”); releases a headache and a stiff neck; nourishes the brain and benefits the eyes; and, clears the head and calms the spirit.
Location: on the chest, located about one inch from the midline on the lower border of the collar bone.
Actions: powerful point to reinforce immune system functioning by strengthening the respiratory system; especially good for people prone to upper respiratory infections. Descends qi and opens the chest to relieve congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, cough, anxiety, and depression.
Location: located on the shin, about a hand length below the kneecap, just outside the prominent tibia bone
Actions: one of the most powerful points for boosting immunity. Tonifies whole body qi and blood, and strengthens the protective (wei) qi in particular; builds the body’s energy reserves and relieves fatigue; tones the muscles and aids digestion.
Location: located on the hand, in the web between the thumb and index finger.
Actions: THE point to release the exterior and treat “wind” conditions— cold and flu symptoms like fever/ chills, runny nose/congestion, headache, sore throat, dizziness, etc.; and, boosts the body’s defenses against recurrence. A powerful anti-inflammatory point; relieves pain and moves qi; has a calming/analgesic effect. NOTE: Avoid this point if you are pregnant.
Location: beginning at the depression in the wrist at the base of the thumb, approximately two finger widths up your arm.
Actions: strengthens the lungs to push out pathology. Traditionally used for early symptoms of a cold/flu like fever/chills and sore throat, but also bolsters the body’s resistance against seasonal bugs and viruses. Treats grief and sadness, which can weaken the lungs.
Acupressure is just one tool in the toolbox to assist with building up your immunity and defenses. If you’re looking for additional support, consider scheduling a virtual session with me (email [email protected]). There are so many more tools to empower you in your own health, daily!